From the ancient days, people have obtained a bigger stature and greater lifestyle for their family or tribe or state, or country by gaining a good education. Education is the only key element to building a person’s future. India has a huge population of over 1.5 billion; more than 55% of the people are illiterate and cannot read words. Due to the rapid growth of the population, we see severe unemployment in the country due to which more families are falling under the poverty line. To have the Indian economy strong every individual must be educated enough and contribute to it for this to happen every child should complete their primary level education. India is the fourth among the top 7 nations where children drop out of school in the middle of their primary education. The major reason for this is due to poverty, not only countries’ growth but also education develops a well-rounded and responsible individual. This means fewer crimes and more solutions in the world. For an Indian family to earn and survival is the top priority and education comes last in priority. In some areas for under privilege people, education is perceived as a costly priced luxury, and this is a very negative outlook on education which is as important as food and water to survive. Due to these reasons, education for the poor is very important.
Education is a fundamental part of every individual’s life it paves the way for all of us to reach our highest potential. In today’s world, it is as important as eating and breathing. To understand the importance of education in life. It is the medium that gives us all the power, techniques, skills, information, and knowledge to know, understand others, and respect our duties towards our society, families, and nation. The importance of education is that it gives a person a good perspective on life and society. India for the majority of the citizens is not well educated and 40% of them are unable to read.
Importance of Education
To have the Indian economy strong every individual must be educated enough and contribute to it for this to happen every child should complete their primary level education. India is the fourth among the top 10 nations where children drop out of school in the middle of their primary education. the major reason for this is due to poverty. we see severe unemployment in the country due to which more families are falling under the poverty line. To have the Indian economy strong every individual must be educated enough and contribute to it for this to happen every child should complete their primary level education.
The Poor Class Struggling
Poor is struggling to have basic education for their survival is more important than education. As per the records, underprivileged families earn 150 rupees a day which is a lot less to have a good education in this world. If they join the school due to less income, they soon drop out. NGOs and governments now trying their best to get the poor class good education.
Education Which Would Uplift the Poor
individuals so that they can help uplift their lives and contribute to the Indian economy. Having an education in lower-income communities will also uplift their thinking which in turn provides them with good income and respected jobs and also creates new job opportunities for others. safety against crime as an educated person has good moral values. Education boasts women empowerment. Having a good income after education removes poverty. It helps in maintaining low order and sometimes good education prevents war.
The conclusion of the Essay – on education is that it is an integral part of every country’s growth. It better the lifestyle of every family by giving them good value and providing financial support.

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